The Short story (20 marks) Encounters from Africa: An Anthology of Short Stories. Download Ceramah Ustad Matius Mantan Pendeta.ĬRIMSOM DRAGON STORIES - This author site contains a selection of short stories and the series Time out of time, which is a long story delving into the darker side non- consentual bondage and discipline intended to have a moralistic viewpoint. The following are all the titles in this book, I volunteered and did this with some little research online, to those of you who are dieing to see the titles of these short sotries, here you go:) Smile of fortune, Gaele Sobbot-Mogwe - Botswana the last breath, Sam Kahiga - Kenya Ajaiya and the witch doctor, Amost Tutuola - Nigeria Tekayo, Grace Ogot - A book packed with African big guns when it comes to african literature, Chinua Achebe, Grace Ogot & Amos Tutuola were legends among other. A book packed with African big guns when it comes to african literature, Chinua Achebe, Grace Ogot & Amos Tutuola were legends among other.